Vol. 3 No. 2 (2003): OLD SERIES - Brain Aging International Journal
Perspectives For a Healthy Brain Aging
Published: 2003-04-30 (March – April 2003)
Editor in chief:
Bengt Winblad
Editors: Luiza Spiru, Khalid Iqbal
Remarks on Aging and Senescence
Welcome to the Academy: The First International Conference of Brain Aging – An International Journal
Detection of mRNA Level and Mutation of Neurofilament in Alzheimer Disease
Yipeng Wang, Xinwei Zhou, XiaoChuang Wang, Rong Liu, Qun Wang, and Jianzhi Wang
Activation of p38 Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase in 139A or 22A Scrapie-infected SAMP8, SAMR1, AKR and C57BL Mice
Xuemin Ye, Harry C. Meeker, Piotr B. Kozlowski and Richard I. Carp
The Density of Endothelial Cells in Brain Tissue is Influenced by Gender, Age and Concomitant Brain Pathology
B Berdel, A Koivisto, H Soininen, M Laakso, I Alafuzoff
Interrater Reliability of the GBS Scale Used by Staff and Caregivers
Erik Jedenius, Görel Bråne
A Carer-Based Index for Identifying Early Dementia in the Elderly Living at Home
AR Oksengaard, A Braekhus, K Engedal, K Laake
A Novel Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease
Luo Huanmin, Chen Zisheng